Replace the underlined words in the gaps with these expressions. Good luck !
gained ground, ground-breaking, ground opened, grounds, grounded
1 The company's innovative strategy in digital marketing set a new standard for the entire industry.
2 Despite initial setbacks, the startup made significant progress quickly after launching its innovative product.
3 After repeatedly missing deadlines, the junior executive was restricted by the team leader and barred from participating in the next client pitch.
4 When the CEO announced the unexpected layoffs, it felt as though the floor had collapsed beneath the employees.
5 Before signing the merger agreement, the board ensured that their decision was based on solid foundations supported by thorough analysis.
Insert the words since, for, ago in the gaps.
1 I have been the manager of this project ______ five years.
2 She was promoted to a senior position three years ______.
3 He hasn’t attended a board meeting ______ the last disagreement with the CEO.
4 They’ve been business partners ______ the launch of their first startup.
5 I joined this company two months ______.
Formations en anglais professionnel pour adultes, pour les entreprises de la métropole lilloise.
Masterclass : réussir le pitch en anglais, maîtriser les présentations, optimiser les négociations en anglais et adopter une stratégie efficace lors de vos réunions interculturelles afin de faciliter la communication à l’international.
Coaching en anglais : pédagogie positive et adaptée
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